Be kind today

Dear Pogue,

A postcard! I’ve never sent a postcard. Who said “there’s nothing new under the sun”! Twice this week kindness has made me smile. Once in someone’s blog and once in this drawing by Charlie Mackesy. I hope I’m allowed to share this with you as I didn’t draw it. It’s just so good.

Charlie Mackesy: The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse. Ebury Press.

Be kind today. Let’s work together to make kindness the new cool. Be kind today. You’ll really surprise people. They don’t expect it!

Have the very best of days.


One thought on “Be kind today

  1. Of course you know that I absolutely love this post! Kindness matters, so much. A kindness epidemic would be awesome! And it starts with each one of us! 😉
    As for postcards? I hardly see them available for sale anymore. It makes me sad. There is still a shop locally that sells them, and I sometimes go and browse.
    I remember receiving postcards (not from the edge 😛 ) from my brother, and my uncle. I still have them somewhere in a box in my garage.
    I’d gladly purchase one down the road, and send it to you – but with my postal system being as it is, you’d never get it. And sadly, a courier is more than I can afford.
    But the intention is there – so imagine the card.. and written on the back :
    “Something small from your SA friend. Happiness and laughter, across the miles.” 😉


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